In this lab, we are getting familiar with JavaScript libraries and jQuery.
Before in the previous labs, I had some prior experience to the material that was being taught but we're finally at the point of the class where I am learning new things. As such, this lab took some more thinking and effort than the previous ones and once again, I had to reference Wes' code. Even though I had their lecture powerpoint, I couldn't figure out what to do and felt that the instructuions were once again vague/didn't quite match the jQuery methods. I also didn't understand why we needed a <div> with the ID "output."
I had also originally misunderstood what the assignment was asking for with the buttons since I was using Wes' as a reference. The assignment wants each button to do something different but in Wes's, their buttons do the same thing. I had to go back and revise my code after thinking I was finished.
I was also out of town and already had Visual Studio Code installed on my laptop (instead of Atom on my computer) so for this assignment, I used Visual Studio Code and I'm hoping I used Github correctly.
I have a Lab 11 index.html file that is styled with CSS and I have a JavaScript file that uses jQuery and libraries to create buttons and their effects.
Here is my JavaScript file.