Lab 10 - JavaScript Events & Forms


In this lab, we are getting familiar with JavaScript events and forms.


Compared to the previous labs, I had some difficulty in starting this one. It felt like I couldn't figure out all of the steps I needed to take to make the code work. For example, I wasn't sure how to take the user input and reference it in my JavaScript. I tried to use the w3schools documentation to help me but it was confusing and I couldn't find the answers I wanted. I ended up using the professor's code as a reference and things started to make more sense.


I have a Lab 10 index.html file that is styled with CSS and I have a JavaScript file that takes user input and then shuffles/sorts it and displays it.

Script Output

***Make sure you click submit, not Enter!***

Here is my JavaScript file.

Click to view images in a new tab! Image gallery code from